Friday, May 4, 2007

My Very Own Hockey Grin (Sort Of)

What a pain the last two days have been (quite literally).

For the past week I (Chris) had been experiencing a rather painful toothache that did not seem to be going away. And yesterday the pain had become almost untolerable. So I called the dentist and was able to get an appointment within a couple of hours. The x-rays showed that a cavity from a filling that had fallen out a couple of years ago had made it's way through to the nerve. So the solution was either go with a root canal, fillings and a cap. Or, pull the tooth. After looking at the cost of each, and weighing the pro's and cons of each, I opted to get it pulled.

Fortunately it was a molar in the back, so it wasn't visible.

After, I was given a prescription for pain killers, and instructions for the next couple of days about cleaning and preventing infection and sent on my merry way.


Good thing I had some really good stuff. It even helped numb the pain from the Vancouver loss last night.

I decided to stay home today, as it really wasn't advisable to drive while on this stuff, and I really couldn't concentrate anyway. I seemed to be a step behind. As it was, I slept until noon, and my head really didn't start to clear until this afternoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your toothache.... hope you're feelin' better now.

Site is looking good...I hope to check in from time to time.

Have a good one.
